The final chapter in our series on the book of Daniel.
The final chapter in our series on the book of Daniel.
The Kings of the North came from the Seleucid Empire. The Kings of the South came from the Ptolemic Empire. Daniel continues the revelation given to him by the angel in verse 20, of the brief reign of the Northern King, Seleucid IV. Then verse 21 to 34 deal with his successor, Antiochus IV, aka…
With the Mosaic Covenant came the Law of Moses. With the Law of Moses came the Sin Offering and the Trespass Offering. The Law of Moses formed the terms of the Mosaic Covenant, a series of 613 commandments for the Israelites to observe to maintain a covenant relationship with the Lord. If these laws were…
Daniel had been seeking the Lord about the deliverance of Israel from captivity to Persia. But the Lord chose to speak to Daniel about the deliverance of the world from captivity to sin. A day would come when the Messiah would be “cut off”, that is His life would be rent from Him. But “not…
To the Israelite in the wilderness, worship was all about sacrifice. No one could have their sin addressed or have fellowship with God, without sacrifice. To the Christian in the Church, worship is all about sacrifice too. No one can have their sin addressed or have fellowship with God, without the sacrifice of Jesus. So…
Daniel received understanding from Scripture, in the book of Jeremiah, that seventy years of captivity for the Jewish people would elapse. That time was now fast apporaching its conclusion. There had been a change in the political landscape, with Medo-Persia the new world superpower. Does that mean Isarel could soon be free to return to…