Spirit Led | Word Based

“I was glad when they said to me, let us go into the house of the Lord.” (Psalm 122:1)

Sunday Morning

We meet on a Sunday morning at ten o’clock for corporate worship.

Typically the meeting will start with an opening thought, designed to be a call to worship. This is then followed by a time of worship in song that lasts perhaps half an hour.

Children are an intrinsic part of the church, and following worship in song they are invited to the front to be involved in a Bible teaching section specifically tailored for them (but which the adults enjoy), then Sunday School is provided for the children while adults remain for further Bible teaching.

Teaching typically takes the form of a verse-by-verse exposition of a book of the Bible, although individual topical studies are given from time to time.

Following the meeting we remain for drinks and fellowship. You are invited to join us.

In all aspects of church life we seek to be led by the Holy Spirit. Opportunity is given for people to pray openly, to bring a song or chorus or speak as the Holy Spirit leads. This is overseen by the leadership, and sensitivity to the meeting is requested.

The objective of the meeting is that the Lord is glorified, His people are fed, built up and loved.


Monday Evening

We meet on Monday evenings at 8 o’clock in homegroups for Bible Study, corporate prayer and fellowship. There are three homegroups, one held in Aylesford, one in Coxheath and a third via Zoom if coming out on Monday evening proves difficult.


Ladies Ministry

The ladies of the fellowship gather weekly for corporate prayer, ministry and fellowship.

The different women who attend take turns to prepare a short study on a given theme to lead the group.

The ladies gather on a Thursday evening from 8pm, either on Zoom or in person, please ask if you’d like to know more.

Men’s Ministry

The gentlemen of the church meet once month, in alternating locations for ministry specifically aimed at men.

The gathering usually involves food, breakfast if a morning, pizza, chilli or BBQ if an evening, and is followed by teaching in an interactive format.

The current ministry theme is ‘Family Shepherds’ – seeking to equip men to become the shepherds of their family and to adopt a Bibical approach to being a man in the home and society.
